FREE cotton face pad pattern

Ditch your cotton wool pads for removing make up or applying toners and make yourself these cute make up remover pads instead.

this pattern is here for free, but if you’d like an easy to print PDF version please visit my Ravelry store where it’s available for just £1.

You will need

100% cotton yarn in Aaron Weight (Rico design has lots of colours available )

Hook size 4.5mm (US size H-8 (or 7 if preferred)

Needle and scissors for cutting and weaving in your ends.

Stitches used

Ch – Chain

SS – Slip stitch

P – Puff stitch (*yarn over, insert and pull up a loop* x3 gives you 7 loops on the hook, pull through all 7 loops to secure)

SC – Single Crochet (this is a UK DC-Double Crochet)

These are made in the round, and you will slip stitch at the end of the round (so you won’t need stitch markers for this one)

I prefer Magic circle as you can pull it tight but if you’re not a fan then you can chain 4 and slip stitch to the 1st stitch to form a circle and work your stitches into this circle.

Round 1

Ch 3, *Puff stitch into centre, ch1* repeat another 5 times (6 puff stitches) and slip stitch into the top of the ch3 to join and form a circle.

Round 2

Slip stitch to the top of the puff stitch, Chain 3. *Puff stitch in the ch1 space from the previous row x2* Repeat 5 more times (12 puff stitches in total). Slip stitch to the top of the ch3 from the start of the round to join.

Round 3 – SC in each stitch to finish off. Slip stitch to first dc to complete. Tie off and weave in your end.

And there you have it, a reusable make up remover pad. Just pop them in the wash and reuse hundreds of times.
I made little cotton bags for mine. One to store the clean dry ones in ready to use, and another little draw string bags to keep the used ones together and then just chuck the bag in the wash.

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